We have added increased capacity. Sorry about the issues last week 🙏

Airplane PreDICKament.

April 2

The airplane hummed softly as it cut through the sky, its sleek form and powerful engines taking the passengers across vast distances in mere hours. Mat, a young and fit man of twenty-four, was among them, occupied by the in-flight entertainment. However, his mind was elsewhere, preoccupied by the undeniable bulge in his pants. Mat had been glancing over at the woman next to him, Brianna, who was a successful businesswoman of twenty-two. She was dressed in a sharp suit, her hair neatly tied back.

As the hours passed, Mat's predicament only worsened, and Brianna couldn't help but notice. She turned to him, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Do you need help with that?" she asked, her voice low enough to be drowned out by the drone of the engines. Mat hesitated, looking around nervously. They were on a public airplane, and the last thing he wanted was to make a scene.

"No, no, I'm fine," Mat stammered, but Brianna's eyes were fixed on his crotch, making it clear she knew exactly what he was dealing with. Mat squirmed in his seat, trying to adjust himself discreetly, but Brianna's gaze was relentless. It was maddening, yet exciting.

Brianna's gaze only grew more and more brazen as time went on. She leaned back in her seat, her eyes locked on the bulge in Mat's pants. He could feel himself growing harder and harder, her stare fueling the ache in his groin. Mat glanced around the cabin, hoping that nobody else had noticed, but it was too late - Brianna had seen, and she wasn't about to let the situation go unacknowledged.

As the tension grew, Brianna unbuttoned her suit jacket, giving Mat a glimpse of her lacy, pale blue bra. His breath caught in his throat, heart pounding in his chest. Brianna smirked, running her fingers over the exposed skin. Mat's mind was racing, his thoughts foggy with desire. This was insane, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Unable to contain herself, Brianna leaned over, her lips brushing against Mat's ear. "Should I do something about that?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. Mat felt his face grow hot, his breath hitching as Brianna's fingers began to wander. In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to give in, to let her touch him and indulge in the pleasure coursing through him.

Mat groaned, biting back a curse as Brianna's hand wrapped around his length. It was a bold, risky move - but Brianna didn't care. She stroked him gently, her eyes locked on his face as he struggled to keep his reactions subdued. Mat's head lolled back, hips bucking slightly toward her, desire building up within him.

Brianna glanced around the airplane's cabin. The other passengers were focused on their own business, unaware of the scene unfolding just a few rows away. Biting her lip, Brianna leaned in again, whispering huskily into his ear.

"I want to taste you," she murmured.

Mat's heart skipped a beat. The idea of it was so wrong, yet so deliciously tempting that he could hardly contain himself. Brianna gave him a knowing smile, her legs shifting as she slipped her hand from his pants and moved to unbuckle her seatbelt.

"Come on," she whispered urgently. "There's an empty bathroom. Let's go."

Mat hesitated, glancing around the cabin. He shouldn't do this, not here, not in public. But the heat in Brianna's gaze was too much to resist. She stood, tugging at his hand, and Mat allowed himself to be led, his heart racing in his chest. The bathroom was cramped, but the idea of getting caught only added to the excitement. Mat held his breath as Brianna locked the door behind them, her eyes shining with desire.

She pushed him against the wall, kissing him fiercely as she fumbled with his belt. In a moment of wicked excitement, Brianna sank to her knees, pulling Mat's pants down. His breath caught in his throat as she took him into her mouth, her head bobbing in time with the aircraft's gentle hum. Mat tangled his hands in her hair, groaning as she teased him with her tongue.

The risk of getting caught, the narrow confines of the bathroom – all of it sent Mat spiraling toward the brink. With one hand braced against the wall, the other buried in Brianna's hair, Mat held his breath and succumbed to the pleasure building within him.

As the orgasm subsided, Mat's breathing slowed, and the two straightened themselves up. Brianna quickly fixed her hair and makeup, and they left the bathroom, hand in hand. Mat cast a glance back at the now innocuous door, heart pounding in his chest.

The rest of the flight passed in a blur, the memory of what had transpired between them a lingering taste on their lips. As they stood up to disembark, Mat caught Brianna's eye and smirked.

"I can't wait for the next flight," he murmured. Brianna's lips curled into a knowing smile.

"I can't either," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. As the two exited the aircraft, they couldn't help but think about the things they would do whenever they next met, hidden away in a small, cramped airplane bathroom.